Are your throw pillows looking a bit worse for wear? Has their fluffy texture started to lose its appeal? With this quick and easy guide, you can learn how to wash those beloved cushions in no time, restoring them to the plump, cozy pieces of decor they once were. So grab your detergent and let’s get cleaning!
Supplies Needed to Wash Throw Pillows
Cleaning throw pillows doesn’t have to be a daunting task. With the right supplies, your job is made much easier. To begin with, you’ll need some mild detergent or upholstery cleaner; this will help break down any dirt and grime that may have built up over time. Next you’ll want an old toothbrush for scrubbing out stubborn stains, as well as some soft cloths for wiping away soap suds and moisture afterwards. Finally, it’s always good to keep a vacuum around in case of any loose debris or lint buildup – just make sure it has an upholstery attachment!
Preparing Pillows for Washing
When it comes to cleaning your throw pillows, the process is relatively simple. First off, you’ll want to check for any care instructions that may be printed on the pillow or its tag. If there are none then proceed by removing all stuffing and covers from each pillow if applicable. Then place both sides of the covering into a washing machine using cold water and mild detergent in a gentle cycle. If you have decorative trimmings on your pillows don’t forget to remove them before placing them in the washer! Finally, after they’re done running through their cycle hang-dry them outside or toss them into a dryer with low heat until completely dried out.
Removing Inserts and Covers for Washing
Removing the cover and inserts of throw pillows for washing is a simple task. Most covers are secured with a zipper or buttons, so it’s easy to remove them once you locate the closure. Once removed, separate any batting or stuffing from fabric parts of the pillow. This allows you to wash each piece separately if need be—but always check care instructions before throwing anything in the washer!
Spot Cleaning Stains on Throw Pillows
When it comes to spot cleaning stains on throw pillows, you can use a few different techniques. For the most part, it’s best to start with gentle methods such as blotting or dabbing the stain with a mild detergent and water mixture. If that doesn’t work, you may have to resort to more aggressive methods like using an enzyme-based cleaner or even a steam cleaner. In any case, be sure not to scrub too hard as this could cause permanent damage to your pillows!

Originally posted 2023-01-11 07:33:37.