Do you wake up every morning to find your mattress looking a little less than spotless? Cleaning the bedding and sheets is one thing, but it’s important to remember that cleaning your mattress is just as important. Whether you’re dealing with spills, stains or general dustiness, having a clean mattress can help guarantee restful sleep each night. Here are some of the best tips and tricks for getting your mattress back into top condition!
Vacuuming a Mattress
Vacuuming a mattress is an essential part of maintaining it and keeping it clean. A regular vacuum cleaner should do the trick, but you may also want to invest in a handheld vacuum that’s specifically designed for mattresses. Start by vacuuming the top surface of your mattress, then flip it over and repeat on the other side. Make sure to pay special attention to all crevices and corners where dust particles can accumulate. Lastly, leave your mattress out in direct sunlight so any residual bacteria or allergens can be destroyed naturally.
Spot Cleaning with Detergent
Spot cleaning a mattress with spray detergent is a great way to keep it clean and free of dust, dirt, and stains. Start by vacuuming the entire mattress thoroughly to remove any build-up of particles. Then mix up a solution of one tablespoon of liquid laundry detergent in two cups warm water. Dip a sponge into the mixture, wring out all excess moisture, and gently rub on the stained area. Once done spot cleaning, blot away all residue with a damp cloth before allowing it to air dry completely before using again.
A deodorized mattress is an important part of having a good night’s sleep. It can be done at home with some simple steps, such as vacuuming the mattress to remove any dirt and dust, and sprinkling baking soda on it before vacuuming again. For deep cleaning, you can use a mattress sanitizing solution or steam cleaner to really get all the dirt out of those hard-to-reach places. Lastly, make sure to air your mattress out by leaving it uncovered for several hours in direct sunlight if possible!
Removing Stains of Urine, Sweat and Blood
Removing stains from a mattress can be tricky. Urine, sweat and blood are especially difficult to get out as they often penetrate deep into the fibers of the material. With urine, you need to act quickly to avoid it seeping further in. First, use an enzyme cleaner or baking soda solution followed by blotting with a damp cloth or paper towel until most of the stain is gone. For sweat and bloodstains, mix equal parts of white vinegar and water together in a spray bottle and apply directly on top of the stain before blotting up with a clean cloth or paper towel.
Sanitizing with Steam Cleaners
Steam cleaners are a great way to sanitize your mattress, as steam is very effective in killing germs and bacteria. The process is simple: just fill the tank with water, select the desired temperature setting, attach the hose nozzle and let it work its magic on your mattress. Be sure not to put too much pressure when cleaning or you could damage the fabric of your mattress. After steaming your mattress, be sure to leave it open and allow it to dry completely before making up again.
Protecting with a Cover or Pad
Investing in a mattress protector or pad is essential for protecting the longevity and quality of your mattress. A good cover should be breathable, waterproof, hypoallergenic, and have a secure fit to ensure it stays put. Mattress pads are also an excellent way to add some extra cushioning and comfort while adding an additional layer of protection against spills, stains, dust mites, allergens and more.
Preventative Care for a Long Lasting Mattress
A mattress is an investment, and in order to get the most out of it you should take good care of it. To ensure your mattress lasts for years, there are a few preventative steps you can take: first off, vacuum regularly to remove dust and mites; rotate it every three months so that even wear is distributed; use a waterproof cover on the mattress if possible; and avoid putting heavy items or furniture on top of the bed. Taking these simple steps will help keep your mattress looking fresh for years to come!

Originally posted 2023-01-29 14:11:05.