It may seem that winter is the perfect time to crochet a blanket, but any time is a good crochet time. Do you stick to simple, small items, though, or do you embark on a larger project?
Why not combine both of these and crochet a blanket? It may sound like quite a daunting task, but that does depend on what type of blanket you choose to make.
If you’re short on time, I’ll answer how long does it take to crochet a blanket?
To crochet a blanket that will fit a standard single bed (39 x 75 inches, or 1 m x 1.9m) using a fairly common half double crochet stitch in a single color should take you between about 20-25 hours if you have moderate experience.
No matter how you approach making a blanket, the result will have you beaming with pride. Let’s take a look at more advice on crocheting your blanket!
Choosing Your Blanket Size

When you decide to crochet a blanket, the first thing you should do is to decide on what type of blanket. The most obvious choice may be one that can cover your whole bed. Think about it, though: there are so many different types and sizes of blankets you can choose from.
‘Bed’ blankets can be any size from 39 x 75 inches (1 m x 1.9m), which will cover a single bed, to 76″ x 80″ (193 cm x 204 cm), which will cover a king-sized bed.
Then, there are blankets for babies that are 40″ x 60″ (1m x 1.5m), which is reasonably standard crib size. You can, of course, also produce an even smaller blanket for a baby in a pram.
Traveling rugs or blankets are considered to be quite old-fashioned now, but don’t you sometimes wish you had a convenient, reasonably small blanket to cover your legs, at least, when you travel? You could consider beginning your work by crocheting a traveling blanket, which can be about 60″ x 60″ (1.5 x 1.5 m).
Length Of Time For Different Blanket Sizes
Knowing how long it takes to crochet a blanket is not straightforward because several things can affect it. These include the size of the blanket, the pattern you are following, the stitches you use, and your experience with crochet.
As already described, crocheting a standard single bed blanket could take between 20-25 hours.
As a general rule of thumb, you could say that it takes approximately 20 hours for every 21 square footage or 2 square meters.
If you’re planning to crochet a super king-size blanket, then strap yourself in for a long (but fun) ride!
Crocheting Your Blanket

Crocheting a single bed blanket using a single color and simple pattern should take you about 20 – 25 hours. I don’t think that this means you could make the blanket in one day, though, because crocheting can be tiring. Instead, think about how many minutes or hours you will crochet for in a day or week, and then work out the relative time.
I find that I can spend about an hour crocheting every second day or so, which means I can crochet a single bed blanket in four or five weeks. Of course, if you have extra time, you could do it more quickly.
The time it takes to crochet any blanket will be affected by what stitch/es you use and the pattern you follow for the blanket.
Consider Your Stitch To Save Time

Simply put, crocheting is using a hook to loop yarn through itself repeatedly. Practically, though, there are many ways you can do this. Using the most basic stitch, the chain stitch will produce a long strip of looped yarn.
You could stitch these together in a spiral or in rows to form a blanket, but it really wouldn’t be worth the effort. There are easier ways to crochet and produce quite thick rows or combinations that form the basics of blankets.
A double stitch means you hook the yarn twice in one and produces a thicker stitch. A half double stitch is an even better stitch to use for a blanket. It is relatively easy and gives the crochet an excellent, quite thick bulk.
Trying out these different stitch options could save you some time for your project. So I’d recommend trying out these different stitches and timing yourself for a whole row or two while trying each style. Then you might know better which is most practical for you to continue with.
Deciding On Your Blanket Pattern

When you begin to work on a blanket, you should consider what pattern you will use. The idea of a ‘pattern’ refers to two aspects of the blanket’s design.
One of these is the colors you will use on the blanket and how they are arranged. Using more than one color means changing yarn, which can take extra time. If you want to create a specific pattern of colors on the blanket, this can take quite some time, depending on how they relate to each other.
The second level of the pattern is the type of stitches you will use and arrange them. Using a half double stitch produces a blanket with repeated, horizontal rows. You can also use a triple stitch to create shells that link in horizontal rows.
You can also use a triple stitch to form rows that work around a central point, producing a square-shaped square. This is a helpful pattern to use for a traveling blanket. If you want to use this stitch for a rectangular blanket, you can form individual squares and sew them together. This is known as a ‘granny stitch.’
All of these stitches and patterns are pretty simple, and you will be able to crochet a lovely blanket in under a month if you crochet for about four or five hours a week. Of course, if you can crochet more often, you could finish the blanket in two or three weeks.
Picking Out Your Yarn Thickness

Crocheting a blanket means using wool or similar yarn to produce a cozy finish. After all, the point of a blanket is to keep warm. You probably don’t want to be using something like embroidery floss or thread because it’s too thin.
The thicker the yarn you use, the more substantial the blanket will be. Thicker yarn will also produce the blanket more quickly than thinner wool, which will affect the time it takes to crochet a blanket.
Thicker yarn is not necessarily easier to crochet with and can produce a heavy blanket. You need to choose the yarn to suit the type and pattern of the blanket, not so that it will go more quickly. Don’t just choose thicker yarn because of the time factor, though.
Conclusion: How long does it take to crochet a blanket?
Asking how long it will take to crochet a blanket is like asking, ‘How long is a piece of string’? Well, one that has been looped into itself.
The time depends on so many things, so take note of the type of blanket, the pattern, and the color scheme to help work out the time you will spend before you can produce your masterpiece.
Originally posted 2022-07-06 11:46:05.