When it comes to canning peaches, we all tend to dread the same thing – the peeling. Peaches have such a thin and delicate skin that one harsh pull takes us back to zero, covering our hands in the sticky peach juice and thoroughly hating the process! Knowing the best way to peel peaches for canning is half the battle.
Nothing truly beats the taste of canned, preserved peaches. They are so sweet, work in so many recipes, and can be preserved for months at a time. So, the process has to be worth it, right?
Thankfully, you don’t have to buy any fancy peeling machines – chances are, you already have everything that you need right in your kitchen.
But why do you need to peel peaches for canning, and what is the best way to do it? Keep reading, and I’ll take you through what you need to know.
Why do you need to peel your peaches before canning?
As you know, canned peaches tend to be a lot softer to chew than fresh fruit. While that texture is a welcome change for many of us, not all parts of the peach are as tasty after canning!
The truth is that you do not necessarily need to remove the skins when canning peaches. They will not make the peaches go bad any faster – however, they will slightly modify the texture. While the meat of the peach should be as soft and sweet as ever, the skin itself tends to go a bit slimy in the can.
It’s pretty undesirable and is why most people tend to leave the skin out. Although the taste is fine, the texture just isn’t that appealing.
That being said, if slimy fruit is your thing, then, by all means, leave the skin on! Remember to clean it thoroughly before putting it in the jar, and you should be good to go.
However, if you would rather have all of the sweetness without the sliminess, here is the best way to peel the peaches before canning them.
How to peel peaches for canning

There’s nothing stopping you from using a knife or even a fruit peeler to prep your peaches for canning. However, that tends to remove a lot of the meat from the fruit. It can also get pretty messy and sticky – and can take a long time to get right!
Instead, why not try a clean, quick, and easy method that will leave you with all of the fruit and none of the skin?
Best way to peel peaches for canning
The best method for peeling peaches for canning is, without a doubt, blanching. You will need to gather a few items, but you most likely already have everything in your kitchen.
I recommend blanching peaches for canning – simply because it helps with preservation and improves the taste and texture.
To start, you will need a cooking pot, a bowl, ice, a bowl of acidified or acidulated water, and your peaches.
To acidify your water, simply add three tablespoons of lemon juice to water from your faucet, or from a filter if you prefer.
Then, start by bringing your pot to a boil. While your pot is heating up, remove loose dirt from the surface of your peaches under the faucet. They do not have to be super clean as you will be removing the skin, and the boiling water will help kill any bacteria, but this will help remove any excess debris that you do not want to end up in the can!
Place as many peaches as you can in the boiling water pot, making sure they are entirely covered by the hot water, and leave them there for about one minute.
Then, carefully take the peaches out of the pot, and place them straight into the bowl of ice. The temperature shock from the boiling hot water to the ice-cold bath helps loosen the skin, making removal incredibly easy.
When the peaches have cooled down enough to touch safely, take them out of the ice bath and put them directly in the bowl of acidified or acidulated water.
Once the peaches are in the acidified water, you can immediately remove the skins. They should practically fall off at the touch of your hand!
When the peaches have been skinned, place them over a rack or in a dry bowl, leaving them to dry before canning.
The acidic water ensures that your peaches don’t brown too quickly. Remember to move through each process quickly, leaving them no longer than a minute in each state. Leaving them for too long will make the peaches too soft for canning, and you’ll ultimately end up with peach sauce rather than whole slices!
As you can see, this process does not take long at all. Try it yourself, and you will see that it works a dream! You’ll never waste your time peeling or cutting the skins off your peaches again!
What can you do with the peach skins after peeling?
So, now you’ve got all the canned peaches you can handle and stacks of peach peels to throw away. Trust me, don’t do it! Throwing away those peach peels would just be a waste, especially as you can easily use them to make other peachy goods.
Peach peels can be used to make jams, marmalades, syrups, pies, drinks, peach-flavored ice cubes for your summer ice teas, etc. There are so many easy, homemade recipes you can try to use those peach peelings in an eco-friendly, financially-friendly, time-friendly, and tasty way!
How long do homemade canned peaches last?
As long as you stick to each process thoroughly, and properly can and keep your peaches sealed, they should easily last you from one year up to 18 months!
One of the main reasons people love canned peaches so much is that they do seem to last forever. They make for great treats throughout the year and can be used in all kinds of desserts, salads, drinks, dressings, and more. They can also be great and unusual gifts! But, most of all, they are a great way of ensuring that none of your peaches go to waste. Simply can them, and keep them for your recipes until the next season!
Canning peaches is easy, quick, and can be buckets of fun! It is a great activity to do alone, with the kids, friends, and family. Not to mention, it will make your kitchen smell fantastic!
Most of all, it is an excellent way of preserving what we have and making the most of all resources. Be sure to check out some irresistible peachy recipes, both for the skins and your canned goods! They’ll be flying off your fridge shelves sooner than you might think – and remember, you don’t have to put up with sliminess (unless you really enjoy it)!
Originally posted 2022-06-10 21:04:51.